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My 2019 Vision Board

This year, inspired by Amber Scholl and Ciara O'Doherty, I decided to make a vision board. I haven't made New Year's Resolutions for years - when I was a young teen they became unhealthy, self-image-ruining goals, such as "be thinner" or "get a boyfriend" (solely for the reason that it would make me feel like I was worth something), so I decided one year that I wasn't doing them anymore. I like the idea of having a constant visual reminder of the sort of year I want to have, I've made this my phone background and have also printed it out and have it up above my desk. This year (inspired by my friend Rach) I've also decided to do monthly goals, but I'll update you on those in another post! For now, I'll break down what all these images mean to me for 2019.

Konmari & Redecorate Our Home:

Last summer, my mum, sister & I began to declutter and redecorate our house. We were planning to get it all done over the summer, but of course that didn't happen. Since then, it's all been placed on pause since life kinda got in the way, so I'd like to start that process again and hopefully get it finished. The third photo is very specific to an item I want for our living/dining room!

Get a tattoo (or two):

Getting a tattoo is something I've always envisioned doing at some point in my life, and recently I've really been wanting one. There's a specific, meaningful one I'm thinking about getting on my hand, but I also love the idea of an underboob tattoo.


I'm constantly filled with wanderlust, and no year is complete for me without some travel! Greece is somewhere I really want to go at the moment, which is why it's got a specific photo! I just think it's so gorgeous and I have amazing memories from when I went there with my family when I was a kid. I already have a trip to London booked in a couple of weeks to visit my friend Faye so we're starting off strong!


This is just a general quote to inspire me to break bad habits and form new ones. I often have all these ideas about what I want to be but then don't change anything and expect it to magically happen!


These two photos are more of a general idea and representation than actual goals. The first is to improve my flexibility. Despite doing dance for years my flexibility is non existent, and though the pose the girl in the photo is doing is more of a far off goal, I'd still like to get into the habit of stretching regularly and improving my flexibility this year. The second is to become stronger. The goal isn't to have the body of the girl in the picture, or to change how I look, it's just to generally become stronger and more fit, and if that shows outwardly, thats great!

Hormonal Balance:

At the start of 2018 I was diagnosed with PCOS, which is basically a label they stick on females when your hormones are out of balance. I'm embarking this year on a whole load of things that will hopefully kick my body back into balance, but only if I stick to them, so this photo is to remind me what I'm aiming for.


Things have cleared up a little bit since I made this vision board, but there's still a lot of uncertainty about where I'll be come September, so this quote is just to remind me that though I might not know exactly where I'm going, I'll figure it out and I will live my best life in the meantime.


So this year I want to make more of conscious effort with fashion. I want to be less afraid to take risks and wear things that make me feel good. I want to wear more jewellery and less lazy, casual outfits. The first photo is reminding me to never be afraid or embarrassed of being extra af, to have fun and not take myself too seriously.

Learning to Cook:

Anyone who knows me knows that my skills in the kitchen are, well, sub-par. I have a history of breaking/burning/ destroying things the few times I have attempted to cook, and so have actively avoided it. However, in September more likely than not I'll be moving out, so, though I'm not going to become Gordon Ramsey, I'd like to have a few cooking skills and go-to recipes under my belt (other than sushi - a weird dish to be the only one I can make lol).


These two quotes are to remind me to be a little more reckless. A weird sort of goal, but I have a tendency to think too much about possible consequences and have spent a majority of my life being the "good girl" and trying not to let people down, and so have missed out on experiences that I wanted to be a part of and mistakes that I need to make. Though it is part of my personality, sometimes I grow sick of being the "responsible" friend, and so this year I want to think/worry less and do more.

Well there's your little insight into what I'm envisioning for this year, whether I'll achieve it all or not we'll have to see, but I have high hopes.

Hope you've enjoyed this post and that maybe it's even inspired you to do a vision board of your own!

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Lots of love,

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