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If you're nosey, you're in the right place. This is where I share a snippet of my life as a blossoming young adult finding my way in the world.


My name is Erin O’Leary. I’m Irish, 21 years old and currently studying Law at UCC. I would describe myself as confident, outgoing, ambitious, a little too loud and a lover of the performing arts. I'm very passionate about sustainable and ethical fashion, as well as other human rights and environmental issues.


So this little corner of the internet is a glance into my life; my opinions, my likes, my stories. If you’re curious (and what average human isn’t, let’s be honest), have a poke around, there is lots to see.


If you want to experience more of me, you can catch me over on my Youtube where I have some travel montages etc, or you can check out my Instagram, where you can judge my aesthetic ability, or my Twitter, where I sporadically post random thoughts, all & more linked at the bottom right!

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