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How To Make the Leap and Stop Buying Fast Fashion

As we approach the New Year, you might be thinking about making some resolutions - so here's my suggestion.

Stop buying fast fashion.

This can seem like a daunting task, but I'm going to go through some tips on how to make the leap! Fast fashion is extremely harmful to the planet and to the lives of many people, so I really encourage giving this a go.

Tip #1 - Watch Documentaries!

If you're worried the urge to go back to fast fashion will become too much, its a good idea to fully educate yourself on the truth behind the industry - so when you're tempted to just pop into Penneys for a quick look, or have a scroll through the Zara sale, you know exactly what the consequences are.

Some great resources:

  • The True Cost (Documentary)

  • Stacey Dooley Investigates: Fashion's Dirty Secrets (TV Show Episode)

  • Wardrobe Crisis with Clare Press (Podcast)

  • And many more - these are just the ones I can personally vouch for

Tip #2 - Stock Up

In theory, this kinda contradicts the whole idea, but I would suggest stocking up underwear and socks before you start. This is because underwear and socks are comparatively quite expensive from sustainable fashion brands, and so if you need to just "pop into Penneys to get some socks" you might come out with much more than you intended! Even almost a year after I'd given up fast fashion, I ended up buying a top in Penneys when I wandered in with my friends - at that moment your willpower can become weak, so remove as much temptation as you can before starting!

Tip #3 - Unfollower Influencers

You know the types I'm talking about, the ones who post their weekly haul and push products and discount codes for Pretty Little Thing onto you. If their content is being pushed in your face every day, it's gonna make your new goal to stay away from fast fashion that much harder!

If you don't follow many already, have a look for some influencers who are promoting a more sustainable lifestyle, these are some of my favs:

  • @_thethriftysisters

  • @ecowithnico

  • @prelovingitt

  • @alittlegail

  • @carolinecroke

  • @sustainablestyle_ak

  • @ecofriendlyhegz

  • @eco_mode_

  • @environmentaleadai

  • @venetialamanna

  • @racheleustace

  • @myslowardrobe

  • and many many more!

Tip #4 - Unsubscribe From the Emails

Fast fashion brands are all about constantly consuming, and with many releasing new collections at least once a week, your inbox is probably flooded with their latest offers. Do yourself a favour and save your wallet the damage by unsubscribing from them all and unfollowing them on social media. Less temptation, less chance you'll make a purchase.

Tip #5 - Don't Beat Yourself Up

If you do end up breaking and buying something, it's not the end of the world! Don't give up or think that you've failed, just take a deep breath and start again!

It can be really hard when you've been taught to constantly purchase things at a super cheap price point, and conditioned to keep up with the latest trends - but I found that since I've stopped buying from high street stores and mainly shop at charity/vintage stores, that I've developed my own sense of style so much more and I think I understand better what I actually like, rather than just what's trendy.

Tip #6 - Start With an Attainable Goal

If swearing off fast fashion forever is too daunting, start with a more attainable goal! Try just for the month of January, and see how you go. While you stay away from the fast fashion stores for that month, make sure to visit your local charity & vintage shops - and browse Depop and eBay to satiate that hole. You're not going to become a perfect, conscious, minimalist consumer overnight!

Tip #7 - Organise Your Wardrobe

I wouldn't recommend getting rid of anything at this point, as that's often an excuse to buy more! However, set aside some time to re-organise your wardrobe. We often lose track of everything we own, and re-discovering your own wardrobe can lead to some stellar finds!

Right, I think that's everything! It can be a hard change to make but I believe in you! Go forth and conquer the world of sustainable fashion!


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